Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Music Theory Post

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today we'll be talking all about music theory, particularly the kind on the keyboard or piano.

Last year at Harley, I studied Music Theory with Mr. Burroughs and caught on pretty quickly. I enjoyed it very much, as a matter of fact.

What is Music Theory?

I am taking Introduction to Music Theory online through the Berklee College of Music. Music Theory is a way to classify music that we hear. In other words, it is a musical "grammar" of sorts, that uses notes, chords, and other things. In my course I am learning how to use that "grammar" to figure out the musical "language" on a keyboard so I can play songs on it.

What I have learned so far:

Welcome to Introduction to Music Theory
Spotlight: Why Are Harmony and Ear Training Important?
Important Definitions
Structure of the Major Scale
Sharps and Flats

About Sharps and Flats:

There are these notes that are black instead of the usual white. Those keys are the sharp(#) and flat(♭) keys, and are in between the normal A-B-C-D-E-F-G keys. There's A♭, A#, B♭, C#, D♭, D#, E♭, F#, G♭, and G#. Note that there isn't a B#, C♭, E#, or F♭.

Something confusing is that some pairs of notes -- G#/A♭; A#/B♭; C#/D♭; D#/E♭; and F#/G♭ -- are the same thing!

I appreciate your visit to School Stories (Where School Is ALWAYS In Session), and don't miss tomorrow's FREE DAY! See you then!


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