Here is the joke and it it is from How to Be the Funniest Kid in the Whole Whole Wide World (Or Just in Your Class) by Jay Leno:
Q: Why is the banana so popular?
A: It has appeal!
Let's talk about my visit with Matilda. Matilda is my cousin. I have not seen her since July and will not see her again until next summer, because she lives down south. She was visiting my Grandma, which is also her Grandma. We saw each other and played on Friday. We did my electric kit- it lights up, does a variety of noises, as well as sends a spinning disk into the air. Aside from that, we also played a two hour game of Scrabble with my Uncle Jeff. We were pretty evenly matched, which is why it took so long.
We also played with K'Nex, which is kind of like Legos, but not. It is a building material, but it uses rods and connectors of various sizes, shapes, and colors. It allows you to build a motorized cargo helicopter complete with open rear hatch and a lowering winch, as well as utilizing something called flexirods to build circular items. Matilda and I worked on building a lighthouse. She made a well-functioning shark that looked like it had a crocodile snout. She didn't even use instructions and I thought it was a really cool thing to do.
Matilda made a killer salad, by the way. Killer just means that it was delicious.
Then we went out to dinner. It was my Grandma's first time out doing something fun in more than ONE MONTH! I ate too fast and got a stomachache. Don't worry, though, as I am fine.
To wrap this little bit up, I had a lot of fun playing with Matilda and the next time I will see her will be at my cousin Alice's wedding.
Now let's talk about Git.
Git is another computer language, similar to JavaScript, Ruby and Python, but also has its own unique things. It is not as similar to English as, for example, Ruby. It is used to create transcripts for plays or even things as everyday as an exam. Let's focus on the exam example - no pun intended.
Git allows multiple users to share information and make their own edits as long as there is one person who is in control who edits the whole thing to make it complete. For example, you can have a biology teacher make a biology quiz, the history teacher make a history quiz and the physics teacher make a physics exam. Then- combining everything together - the principal can put it all together to make a quiz that focuses not only biology, but also history or physics.
Now talking about the transcript. Git is often used to create transcripts of Shakespeare plays digitally. Git makes it easy to do a little bit of work here, a little bit of work there and to save it to your base that you had established earlier. If you make edits and forget to save it and then you try to open it, then Git will say, "You made changes before. Make sure you save those changes before you continue."
Also, you can make something called commits. Commits are basically like comments to establish that you had done something, If you accidentally publish a commit that you did not intend to publish, Git makes it easy by not setting your commits in stone. If you want to delete a commit, you can, however it will also delete all commits made after the one you intended to delete.
Those are just a few examples of the massively useful computer language of Git.
Thank you for visiting School Stories (Where school is ALWAYS in session!) today. I hope you visit again tomorrow.
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