Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Italian, Coding & Thai Food

Hello and welcome to this post! Today, I'll talk about what I'll be up to (educationally) over the summer. Here we go!

My online Italian course through Wellesley College in Massachusetts is one of the things that I'll be doing this summer. I am currently about halfway through and am making progress. I will undoubtedly finish by the end of summer vacation, so no worries there! There are 4 units, each containing 4 lessons followed by tests, a reading followed by a test, and an interview followed by a test. I am on Unit 3: Attività, sport e vacanze (Activities, sports, and holidays). I am going to make a prediction: I will be done with this course by the end of July.

One of the other things I'll be doing is coding in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Using CodePen, I am making a "Pen", or webpage, using HTML and CSS. One can also use JavaScript, but I am not opting to use it as of right now. The one thing that I am trying to learn is how to make a drop-down list/menu. Once I figure that out I can take the owner of Thai Mii Up up on her offer of designing her restaurant webpage in exchange for a week of free lunch. Considering how delicious their food is, that is a great deal!

Thank you for visiting School Stories (Where School Is ALWAYS In Session!) and I hope to see you again soon! If you want to see the "Pen" that I'm working on, I will put the link here. NOTE: the "Pen" is unfinished.

Friday, June 10, 2016


Hello and welcome to my blog! Today's topic is physics. More specifically, the physics of falling balls. All of this content is derived from my physics course, How Things Work: An Introduction To Physics through the University of Virginia and taught by Professor Louis Bloomfield. Also, this all holds true only if you ignore effects due to air.

Does a ball's upward motion affect its fall? The simple answer is that there is no large effect due to an upward motion. The ball still has a downward acceleration, so it will still fall downwards. Why does a ball travelling upwards still have a downwards acceleration? Because of gravity. Gravity drags the ball down, and the closer the ball gets to the earth, the faster gravity drags it. Fun fact: A ball thrown directly up is temporarily motionless, or at rest, at the peak of its arc. 

Does differing gravity strength affect the fall of a ball? Yes, it does. For example, in zero gravity, a ball dropped from rest will stay at rest, while a ball dropped in motion will stay in motion. In a zero-gravity situation, if I was to throw a ball directly up, it would float up forever, or until it enters a gravity field. Everything in the universe exerts a gravity field, with its weight determining how strong that field is. That is why the earth's gravity is so much stronger than the moon's, or yours!

As an extra bonus, does a ball's horizontal motion effect its fall? Not the fall, no.The only thing horizontal motion effects is the distance that the ball travels. The angle that a ball is kicked/thrown also affects the distance traveled and/or the peak height. If a punter in American football wants to get the ball far, he should kick at a low angle. If he wants to get the ball high, he should kick it at a higher angle.

Thank you for visiting School Stories (Where School Is ALWAYS In Session!) today, and I hope that you read all my other posts!